Applications Server

BizTalk Server 2009 : Service-oriented schema patterns (part 4) - Node data type conversion for service clients

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Node data type conversion for service clients

You may have noticed that the Schema Editor provided by BizTalk Server 2009 delivers a comprehensive list of data types for schema nodes. In this table, I call out each schema type, what it is, and what .NET type it converts to when consumed by the WCF svcutil.exe proxy generation tool.

BizTalk XSD Type Description .NET Type
anyURI Can be any absolute or relative Uniform Resource Identifier Reference System.String
base64Binary Holds Base64-encoded arbitrary binary data (e.g. PDF, JPEG) System.Byte[]
boolean Supports the mathematical concept of binary value logic (0/1 or true/false) System.Boolean
byte Holds an 8-bit value System.SByte
date Object with year, month, and day properties System.DateTime
dateTime Object with year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and timezone properties System.DateTime
decimal Contains a subset of real numbers with support for at a minimum of 18 decimal digits System.Decimal
double A double precision 64-bit floating point type System.Double
duration Represents a duration of time consisting of year, month, day, hour, minute and second System.String
ENTITIES Separated list of ENTITY references System.String
ENTITY Unparsed entity that may include non-XML content System.String
float A single precision 32-bit floating point type System.Single
BizTalk XSD Type Description .NET Type
gDay Equal to a day recurring each month System.String
gMonth Equal to a month recurring each year System.String
gMonthDay A calendar date (month + day) recurring each year System.String
gYear A period of a single year System.String
gYearMonth A particular calendar month in a specific year System.String
hexBinary Represents arbitrary hex-encoded binary data System.Byte[]
ID Definition of document-global unique identifiers System.String
IDREF A reference to a unique identifier (ID) System.String
IDREFS Separated list of IDREF references System.String
int A 32-bit signed integer System.Int32
integer A signed integer of arbitrary length System.String
language Set of language codes called out in RFC 3066 (e.g. en-US) System.String
long 64-bit signed integer System.Int64
Name XML string with no whitespace System.String
NCName Name that conforms to namespace standard (e.g. no colons) System.String
negativeInteger Encompasses all strictly negative integers System.String
NMTOKEN Set of XML "name tokens" excluding spaces or commas System.String
NMTOKENS Separated list of NMTOKENS System.String
nonNegativeInteger Encompasses all positive integers (including zero) System.String
nonPositiveInteger Encompasses all negative integers (including 0) System.String
normalizedString Contains whitespace-replaced strings (meaning all carriage returns, tabs, etc have been replaced) System.String
positiveInteger Encompasses all strictly positive integers System.String
QName Qualified name as a combination of namespace name and part name XmlQualifiedName
short Set of 16-bit integers System.Int16
BizTalk XSD Type Description .NET Type
string String of any set of XML allowable characters, including whitespace System.String
time Instant of time recurring each day System.DateTime
token Set of strings with whitespace replacement of leading/trailing spaces, carriage return, line feed, tab, and any instance of two or more spaces. System.String
unsignedByte 8-bit unsigned value System.Byte
unsignedInt 32-bit unsigned integer System.UInt32
unsignedLong 64-bit unsigned integer System.UInt64
unsignedShort 16-bit unsigned integer System.UInt16

It's interesting to see how some types are handled. For maximum interoperability, stick with very common types like string and int. As you move into floating point numbers, consider using the decimal type instead of the float type so that you can get the maximum precision on your numbers and not fall prey to rounding errors.

One interesting data type to note, that I don't come across very often, is the ID/IDREF. ID/IDREF is a concept left over from DTD where you can define relationships between XML nodes. The ID value acts as a primary key (and must be unique in the message) while the IDREF field points to the ID field.

In a schema, I have sections of dependent elements that are not structured in a way to enforce the relationship. For instance, recall that one version of my Enrollment schema has a repeating list of addresses in order to account for home, work, and alternate addresses. I may have a new element in this schema named PrimaryAddress that references which of the included addresses we should treat as the default one. Using basic XML data types, there is no way to enforce that the PrimaryAddress node can only contain a value that corresponds to the repeating list of addresses. However, if I update my schema to apply ID/IDREF data types to the corresponding address nodes and then validate the below XML snippet in the BizTalk Schema Editor, I get the exception Reference to undeclared ID is 'Alternate'.

<ns0:Subject xmlns:ns0="http://Seroter.BizTalk.SOA.Chapter5/Import">



Hence, while it remains difficult-to-impossible to build strong relationship semantics into a schema, consider ID/IDREF if you need to enforce basic referential integrity in your service schema.

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